At Synkd we call it: ‘me,me,me’ content but you’ll know it in its more recognisable format: Pride.

Its the most common ‘sin’ or symptom of self-obsession. The guilty are easily identified by marketing copy that screams ‘I can do this’, or ‘we’ve done that’… or ‘Company XYZ has been around for 30 years’, or ‘we’re the market leader’ in such and such blah, blah, blah…
Sure it can help build credibility but as a prospective customer you’ve lost me already.

Me,me, me ‘talk’ has no place in your marketing collateral anymore.
The problem is we’re all masters at marketing to ourselves and pride has a lot to answer for it!

Change your focus to ‘what’s in it for your customers’ or ‘what’s in it for them’.
Use the words ‘you’ and ‘your’ much more than you say ‘I’, ‘me’ and ‘our company’.

Stress the benefits of what your business offers – focus on how you solve problems rather than telling customers how good you are.

Here’s a wake up call: people aren’t that interested in you but they are interested in what your business can do for them!

Always stress the benefits, don’t sell on features!
Customers primarily buy solutions, but mostly they buy benefits and invariably they ‘buy’ how you improve their life, how you give them more time and how you solve their problems.
If your marketing makes no reference to any of these pain points you’re committing the biggest sin of all! Worst of all they’re deadly for your business.

Learn the lessons from these seven deadly sins – change your ways, see the results and watch your business thrive!