7 tips, 7 ways, 7 secrets, 7 reasons…

Have you noticed a pattern here?

Here’s a few more clues if it hasn’t clicked yet…

7 wonders of the world, 7 habits of highly effective people, 
7 things your doctor forgot to tell you, 7 things I hate about you.

Why is it that anyone or anything of note, any online resource, anyone who wants to be known for anything, or any blog, post, guide or media report
 always seems to contain, feature or revolve around the number 7?

Is it some weird numerology thing going on, some closed industry secret that the uninitiated are not privy too, or simply some obscure marketing gimmick?

Why is ‘7’ a magic number?

Truth be told the answer is a bit of all of the above.

The number 7 is the most significant number across most religions and cultures. In a recent poll of 30,000 people, 7 was overwhelmingly the favourite number so maybe its not so unique and shouldn’t surprise us after all?

Want further proof?
 Its right under your nose: there are seven days of the week; seven colours of the rainbow; 
seven notes on a musical scale; seven seas and seven continents.
 More? Seven deadly sins; seven seals; seven dirty words; need I go on?

From a numerology point of view ‘7’ is said to be the sacred spiritual number – ‘the energy of the mystics’.

A further reasoning to add to 7’s perceived power and popularity is that, as humans, we’re inherently cynical, wary and fearful of new people and new things. We’re naturally suspicious because we have an innate fear of being abused, duped, done over, conned, pulled over, scammed, fleeced, screwed, pilloried, pillaged and prodded. It’s simple human nature.

How do we then, as mere mortals, businesses and business owners, ‘bridge’ or overcome these naturally inbuilt human worries and concerns? Why is it all so hard? After all, we’re only looking to achieve the goal of helping customers buy our good and services so that they can solve their everyday problems right?

When it comes to marketing and conveying relevant and useful information to customers, wouldn’t it be helpful to have a framework and a philosophy that follows a tried and trusted method that aids in removing the barriers that divide us from our customers?
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the ‘power of 7’.

So what’s the reasoning behind it?
Keeping it as simple as possible here’s some points of view…

7 is both an odd and a prime number. So what?, you say.
Well, since we’re all wary creatures who fear nasty surprises, we believe nothing in life is perfect. If its perfect its too good to be true! In this way an odd number such as 7 ‘seems’ equally imperfect and obscure. And oddly that ‘feels’ right to us.

Upon receiving information about ‘7 secrets or 7 tips’ it subconsciously and somewhat paradoxically feels comfortable or ‘right’. It meets our expectations and confirms our doubts – especially when broached within the context of a new product or service that we’re unfamiliar with.

7 is also a unique number in that it tends to attract our attention as we all believe we are ‘unique’ in some way – which indeed we all are. Counter to this though, deep down, we also fear we are ‘different’ to everyone else. ‘7’, it is argued, can be used to invoke our modern day anxieties. Therefore, we identify with 7’s ‘stand out’ quality but maybe not for the right reasons?

Using 7 in your marketing collateral is therefore a common strategy to communicate, engage with and attract new customers. The marketing theory behind it is that ‘7’ allows an initial low risk or risk-free stepping stone for your customers to find out more about your offering. It allows them to test the waters and provide a platform to explain how ‘a stranger’ (i.e. you or your business/company) can solve your customer’s problems in a simple and engaging way.

In essence its one of the first steps in your marketing funnel and the first step in building a relationship with an unknown and unfamiliar customer.

Remember this marketing mantra, ‘you’ve got to give out first before you receive!’

‘7’ is an ice-breaker, a giveaway, a peace offering, a warm gesture that invites and attracts potential customers to your door or online store.

By presenting nuggets of knowledge to your customer in an easy to read and understandable format, you are able to draw customers into your business and guide them along your sales funnel – ultimately to generate a sale.

Of course if your information is poor, irrelevant, too obvious and crucially, if its poorly designed, poorly presented and doesn’t resonate or ‘speak’ to your audience, then it wont have the desired effect or deliver the results that you want.

‘7’ is therefore a device that allows a customer to get to know you and your business in a safe environment, away from any real or perceived risk. Better still, your customer is getting some valuable information for nothing which further adds to the appeal.

‘7’ forms a crucial cog in your ‘marketing machine’ and a pillar of your wider marketing strategy.
It allows you to build a reputation as knowledgeable and an experienced, trustworthy individual or business. Its just one of the steps to create the perception of an authority figure in a specific industry or sector – ‘be the ‘go to’ person’ as marketers are often heard to say.

So, now that you know about the power of 7, here’s a thought for you to consider.

How about harnessing that power and getting busy thinking about your own magic ‘7’?

What magic tips do you have to share about your expertise?

If you need help creating or implementing your power of ‘7’, simply give the Synkd team a shout via info@synkd.com.au and we’ll be happy to help you create your first stepping stone to attracting new customers.

Get out there and Master your Marketing,

Your Marketing Man,
Signing out