Mistakes. Don’t we love them?

We all make mistakes from time to time so don’t be too hard on yourselves. In fact, I’d be worried if you weren’t making some mistakes. Because making mistakes or FAILING is THE perfect opportunity to learn about ourselves and what it takes to be successful, especially with regards to your marketing. Be honest – does anybody really learn from success?

Paradoxically, these days, our ‘mistakes’ can be a blessing in disguise or even a promotional opportunity for your business but the big question is do we truly learn from our mistakes? Perhaps more importantly do we realize that we’re even making these mistakes at all?

How many of the mistakes listed below are you currently making and how many do you skillfully side step? Here’s my 7 marketing mistakes that you’re probably making right now…

  1. Confusing ‘brand’ with ‘logo’ – yes there are still lots of people who don’t get it. A logo is but the tip of your brand iceberg.
  2. Confusing marketing with sales or ‘pushing the goods’ – know the difference. If you don’t find out!
  3. If you’re an SME, pursuing or pushing ‘brand’ instead of direct marketing – you don’t have the time or the budget to wait – you need results and you need them now.
  4. Marketing to yourself, not to your customer. There’s a world of difference.
  5. Seeing (and treating) your customer as a number and a dollar sign, not a unique individual (which, yes, requires work and a commitment but pays off – think lifetime value of your customer).Sad fact: in 2015 we cultivate better relationships with our dishwasher and car than each other (not entirely your fault – the marketers/psychologists and big brands encourage it and they’re pretty damn good at it). Brand X’s latest model never let’s us down, always works when we say/want it, never answers back or grumbles, there’s minimal maintenance/ongoing costs or emotional involvement come to mention it, we don’t need to ask ‘how it is’ every night, offer a tea or coffee, or be a shoulder to cry on, or pat it on the back after every completed task and if it eventually does breaks down we’re ‘covered’ and we replace it – as quickly as possible.
  6. Poor marketing copy that says nothing of ‘value’ to your customer. Marketing copy or copywriting is a fundamental keystone of your marketing. Your marketing might ‘look’ good visually however ‘if it doesn’t sell (the marketing messages are not compelling enough) you don’t eat!’
  7. Weak or none existent calls to action – why should I buy from you?
    Give me 3 good reasons? How do I buy from you? Even if I do want to buy from you what do I need to do next? Tell me.

So there you go – 7 simple marketing mistakes. How many are you guilty of? Avoid the pitfalls and see the difference in your marketing results.
Get out there and Master your marketing
Your Marketing Man,